Best Trash
19430 F.M. 1093 Road, Richmond, Texas 77407
Office Phone: (281) 313-2378
Ken Farrar: (832) 791-6051 (Representative)
Garbage Collection Guidelines
- Trash service days are Wednesday and Saturday.
- Items must be placed curbside by 7:00 am.
- Yard waste, and bulk items will be collected curbside.
- Residents must provide their own trash container – any size, shape or color is acceptable.
- All trash and yard waste should be placed in sturdy plastic bags weighing no more than 40 pounds each.
- All branches and tree trimmings should be no more than 3 inches in diameter and no longer than four (4) feet in length. Bundles must be securely tied and weigh less than (40) forty pounds each.
- Bulk items/heavy trash will be picked up on Wednesday and Saturday. There is a limit of one item per household per pick up day.
- Excluded items: It is illegal to transport any hazardous waste in a trash truck and dispose of it in a landfill. Hazardous waste includes: medical waste, toxic or radioactive waste, any appliance containing Freon, acids, car batteries, dead animals, and chemicals of any kind, car parts, car tires, and construction trash (includes concrete, large quantities of carpeting, fencing, rolls of carpet or any construction type material or debris). Other excluded items include: Large pieces of glass (must be broken down in smaller pieces and placed in a closed box and labeled), metal items, improperly contained animal waste (animal waste must be placed in a sealed bag to be serviced).
- Excluded Liquid Waste – Toxic or radioactive waste, Freon, paint, acids, petroleum products or filters are not accepted, cooking oil, or chemicals of any kind.
- Any CFC (Freon) item must be properly tagged by certified technician that all Freon has been properly removed in accordance with the Federal Clean Air Act regulations. If items are not tagged, they will be left at curb.
- Bulk items which are too large for Contractor to put in with the normal weekly pickup may be collected separately upon request. Party requesting service will be billed separately at a negotiated price depending on size, quantity and handling required to remove and dispose of item(s).
- Holidays observed are: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. If the holiday falls on a scheduled pickup day, service will be the next service day.
Please Do Not Put Trash in the Recycling Container
Recycling Collection Guidelines
Best Trash – New campaign to educate residents on what is actually recyclable.
The tags shown below are being left with residents to help them understand what is not acceptable in their recycling. Best Trash will not pick up recycling that is left in bags that are not clear. The recycling centers automatically reject these bags and send them to landfills due to safety. There has been a significant amount of medical waste, including syringes, in recycling that has presented an extreme risk for crews that sort recycling material. The ability to see what is in the bags is crucial to the safety of the crews working at the recycling centers.
Bags are not required for recycling. If bags are used, clear bags are required by the recycling center for safety reasons. These clear bags are readily available at most stores. Below are some examples of acceptable clear bags.
Disposing of COVID-19 Rapid Tests
COVID-19 Rapid Tests generated within a household are considered medical waste and should be disposed with routine trash.
Medical waste, including COVID-19 Rapid Tests generated from a household, should not be disposed of as recycling.
Episode 1: Classroom – Teaching About Recycling
Episode 2: Recycling Center – Want to know where your recycling goes and see how it is sorted?
Residents may use recycling bins from previous provider. If this container is not large enough, you may use ANY type of container that has a recycling emblem or one of our recycling emblem stickers which you can get upon request from our office.
- Recycling service will be curbside every Wednesday.
- Items must be curbside by 7:00 a.m.
- There is no need to sort your recycling items – all items can go into the same recycling container (not the trash container)
- No black bags will be accepted for recycling items
Accepted Items
- Newspaper, magazines, catalogs, annual reports
- Clean pizza boxes, soda and beer boxes
- Envelopes, junk mail, paper bags
- White or colored and fax paper
- Telephone books, paper egg cartons
- Carbonless forms, tissue role cores
- Shredded paper strips – (please tie tight in a clear / see through /light blue plastic bag
GLASS – Glass bottles – coke, beer, wine, food jars
CARDBOARD – Corrugated cardboard boxes, cereal, food, detergent, pet food, etc. (Please break down larger boxes)
METALS – Please rinse out any residue prior to placing in recycling bin
- Soda, juice, and beer aluminum cans
- Tin/steel food & pet food cans
- Aluminum foil, pie pans, and trays
- Metal jar lids
PLASTICS (If plastic item is recyclable, there will be a recycling emblem on the bottom with a number in the center)
- Plastics # 1 – #7 (just no Styrofoam of any kind)
- Milk, juice and cooking oil jugs or cartons
- Thin plastics – newspaper covering, dry cleaning covering, plastic grocery bags, etc.
- Fresh Vegetable / fruit containers
- Soda & water bottles
- Dish, shampoo, lotions, soap bottles
- Bleach & detergent containers
- Household cleaning containers
- Butter & ice cream tubs
- Yogurt cups & microwave trays
- Clean plastic flower pots
- Prescription pill bottles (please double check recycle # on bottom and must wash out residue)
- Items Not Accepted
- Biohazard Fireworks Light Bulbs Medical Waste Batteries Wire Hangers Paint Cans
- Electronics Computer Parts Ceramics, Mirrors, porcelain, pottery or commercial glass
- Baby diapers-new or used, paper towels, paper plates