9810 Wyatt Shores Drive, Humble, Texas 77396
The sports complex is used on a first come, first served basis unless a particular area has been reserved and paid for. If you would like to make a reservation, please check availability on the “Calendar of Events” linked above. If the date and time of the area you wish to reserve is available, please submit the completed reservation request form along with payment a minimum of 48 hours prior to the requested time for use. Payment must be made by check to Harris County Water Control and Improvement District No. 96. Please contact recreation director at recdirector@hcwcid96.com to arrange payment. Reservations are not complete until the reservation form and payment have been received and approved.
- Baseball/Soccer Field – $35/hour without lights, $45/hour with lights
- Sand Volleyball Court – $20/hour
- Pavilion (4 tables) – $45/hour, 2 hour minimum
Fall Creek Sports Complex Recreation Director
Click here if you wish to support the Fall Creek Sports Complex.
Fall Creek Bluebirds
HCWCID 96 is looking for knowledgeable volunteers to clean and maintain the bird houses. Please contact us if you are interested.
Photos graciously provided by resident, Paul Gregg.
Flowers of Fall Creek Park
- Aster
- Aster
- Blue-Eyed Grass
- Buttercup
- Clematispitcheri
- Fournerve Daisy Pink Mint
- Green Milkweed
- Green Milkweed
- Monarch Caterpillar
- Monarch Caterpillar Green Milkweed
- Pink Evening Primrose
- Plain Scoreopsis
- Prairie Dogshade
- Prairie Nymph
- Scarlet Pimpernel
- Selfheal
- Slender Vetch
- Southern Dewberry
- Southern Dewberry
- Texas Lantana
- Wine Cup
Butterfly Meadow
- Butterfly Meadow
- Butterfly Meadow
- Butterfly Meadow
- Butterfly Meadow
- Butterfly Meadow
- Butterfly Meadow
- Butterfly Meadow
- Butterfly Meadow
- Butterfly Meadow