Fall Creek Sports Complex Sports Fields Reservations Resume June 1; Playground Still Closed Until Further Notice

After Governor Abbott’s announcement Monday regarding outdoor activities and recreation, May 31, 2020 has been declared as the start date for youth sport practices to begin again.

Therefore, all reservations through the end of May will be cancelled. The good news is existing reservations beginning June 1, 2020 will be honored and you are able to use the baseball fields, soccer fields, and sand volleyball court for practice. Games of any kind that involve more than one team cannot be held until June 15, 2020, so please plan accordingly. It is strongly suggested that players, coaches, and spectators continue to follow social distancing guidelines as much as possible, it is recommended that masks are worn, and spectators should not congregate in groups during practices with individuals outside of their household.

New reservations will also be taken beginning June 1, 2020. However, the Fall Creek Clubhouse may have shortened hours or days that have not yet been decided by the HOA management company or the HOA Board. We may have a lockbox installed outside of the front door for reservation forms and payments to be submitted, but nothing is confirmed. Reservations will only be taken for the sports fields, not the pavilion, but I will keep you up to date on those decisions and any changes.

At this time and through an unknown date still to be determined by the WCID 96 board, the playground will remain closed. Once practices resume, please keep your children and players away from the playground equipment until Governor Abbott addresses more specific details regarding parks and the WCID 96 Board of Directors dictates they are ready for it to reopen. The walking trail continues to remain open to general usage by the public and social distancing is required.

As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns to:

Kasaundra Wright
Recreation Director
Fall Creek Sports Complex